Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Lord Just Answers Prayers Right When We Need It

This is a very personal entry but one I wanted to share with you because we've all felt this at different times in our lives and as our daughters are growing and maturing in this world today I think the pressure to be beautiful in the worlds eyes is even greater.
I have 5 girls and people always comment on how beautiful they are. They are in the worlds view attractive girls. Maddie 7,is so cute but different perhaps to the others. She is not stick thin like the others, particularly Jessie, the next sister up who is 9 and the one she would be closest too. She doesn't have long flowing hair that flounces in the breeze and possess the ability to just wear anything and have it look perfect. Sport isn't her thing but piano is and she is not a 4 year old packed full of cuteness. Maddie would look in the mirror and see glasses and freckles and the boys in primary would pick on her for no particular reason other then it seemed fun. She struggles with school work and would rather be sitting in her room reading a book or just riding her bike in yard. The fact that every adult that came in contact with her would absolutely fall in love with her and different places we would go was the same, because of her gorgeous personality. Her beautiful smile meant nothing to her while she could still look in the mirror and see freckles and nothing that she liked. It was breaking my heart. I could see so much that she just wasn't seeing and I desperately wanted to get that through to her but just wasn't. Sometimes a mothers endless love just isn't enough. I prayed for divine guidance and it came when I least expected it. I recently blogged on Mormon Messages and how I use them in my home. Well this clip by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf retells the story of the ugly duckling and urges us to reflect on who we really are—sons and daughters of a glorious Heavenly Father. Well this changed her precious little life. She now has spring in her step. She has started wearing headbands that pulls her hair back from her face. She takes care in her appearance. She wants to help and serve all in the home and out. Maddie has a shine in her countenance that can only come from one place and that is from knowing who she really is. She said to me just after hearing this message. "Mummy I looked in the mirror today". I held my breath because usually what follows is " why am I not pretty or why do I have freckles" but not this time she said " I looked in the mirror and saw a swan." Tears came to my eyes and I held her and said I was so glad. I didn't want to elaborate we just wanted to just feel the moment and the warmth of the Holy Ghost.
Take a few minutes to watch this clip regardless of your faith or belief and see how you feel after it.


Roger said...

I hope that's not too personal a story because I have been telling everyone I see since you told me - whether they know Maddie or not. She's divine.

Donna said...

No I asked Maddie if I could share it on the blog & she was fine with it. She IS divine!

Anonymous said...

I to remember that "moment" when I realized that I am a daughter of God who is beautiful in his sight. I was much older than you daughter. What a blessing to have a Heavenly Father who loves us and answers our prayers.

Fiona said...

Thank you for sharing.

Anon said...

That was beautiful. Both the message from Pres Uchtdorf (I love that man) and your story. It brought tears to my eyes, when Maddie replied that she 'saw a swan'.

Keep on believing it Maddie because it's true! :-)